Sunday, July 11, 2010

A new roof and a new beginning

Hello, friends, family, and loved ones (you know which you are!)—
Well, I made it through Bryan’s birthday today, July 11. I kept busy and thanked God for the time we had together, although it was much shorter than I wanted. Since we lived our “happily ever after,” I’m not in a hurry to remarry. I’ll leave the single older men for other women who haven’t found their Prince Charming yet.

But it’s possible: The Fourth of July weekend was spent with family in Ohio, witnessing evidence that even we “old folks” can find happiness! My 75-year-old widowed (or is it widowered?) brother-in-law married a beautiful 75-year-old widow in a “Victorian” ceremony. There wasn’t a dry eye in the church. And I’ve never seen old people kiss as much as those two! It was really cute, not gross like watching your grandparents kiss.

Yesterday my roof was replaced. Yay! I left for a few hours while the roofers were working and came home to find a flyer from A-1 Roofing taped to my front door, wanting to give me an estimate! Too bad he didn’t see the ladder to the roof (that he had to walk around), the four guys doing the work, and the shingles in the roll-off on my driveway! Talk about dumb!

Interesting display of opposites: The roofers worked for over 14 hours to get the roof completed in one day. That’s commitment and hard work. Then, this morning I saw a lady walking her dog IN A BABY STROLLER (the dog was in the stroller, not the lady). Why bother?

If you have nothing better to do, you can go to and read an interview with me for the Women Ministries at my church. I didn’t think Kinsey would put it all there, but she did. Ironic that it was posted on Bryan’s birthday.

Today’s word of hope is from the Touched By An Angel day-at-a-time calendar script by Martha Williamson: “When two people choose to become one, you become something even greater than that if you ask God into the circle, ‘for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.’ Because when times are better, God blesses you, and when times are worse, God will bless you even more.” I can attest to that, and the blessings keep coming.

Thank you for all your love, help, and prayer, and for blessing me.
Love to all-