Sunday, September 27, 2009
My sister Barb passed into eternity
My older sister, Barbara Jean Carr, passed away suddenly this morning in Ohio of an apparent heart attack. I don’t know all the details, but we are understandably in shock.
Remember the Bucket List that Bryan and I were creating when we first got his cancer diagnosis? There were things that we had always meant to do, but didn’t get around to. Well, one thing that I won’t regret is taking the opportunity to go to Ohio last month prior to my writers’ conference in Philadelphia. I got to visit with Barb one last time, not realizing it would be the last. We had a good visit, probably the best we’ve had in a long time, although it was short. We had a heart-to-heart talk about life with and without Bryan and moving on after death. Little did we know it would be our last conversation.
Please pray for Barb’s family and for her husband Bill. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last year, so he’ll have a major adjustment ahead of him. Also pray for family members traveling to Ohio this week for her memorial service, and for support of one another. We know that death of a loved one tends to bring out the worst in folks who are all hurting, so we’ll need an extra dose of grace to deal with one another.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I’ve gotten numerous requests for an update, so here goes. I was updating once a month, but I’ll try to keep you posted every couple of weeks instead, so you know how to pray for me. Lori Proffett, a dear friend from Arvada Covenant Church, offered to set up a BlogSpot for me, so hopefully I’ll be posting my updates there soon.
My retirement date is still scheduled for September 30, 2009. I may need to work a few days longer to help train my replacement, if and when he/she gets hired, but I’m going to a Colorado Rockies afternoon game on October 1, so at least I won’t be working that day!
Contrary to popular opinion, I won’t be a “lady of leisure” when I retire from Qwest. I’m starting a new career and a new business, so I’ll probably be even busier than ever! I’ve set December 31, 2009, as the deadline to have my first two books written. One is my personal experience going thru Bryan’s cancer and death, and the other is a step-by-step handbook for anyone facing the cancer process as a patient or caregiver.
God never ceases to amaze me! When I tell people about my new career and ministry, I get offers of help and contacts that I never expected, but appreciate greatly. It’s quite obvious that this is where God wants me, because all the right doors are opening. A speaking and writing ministry has been my dream for 40 years (yes, I’m older than 40; I’m retiring after 37 years at Qwest!), and I can hardly believe it’s finally coming true.
"God does not begin by asking our ability, only our availability, and if we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.” (Neal A Maxwell) I have made myself available and dependable, and I know He’ll make me capable. He can do the same for you.
Thank you all so much for your encouragement, prayers, help, love, e-mails, phone calls, hugs, tears, and everything else you are sharing with me. I don’t feel like I’m going out totally on my own; I have hundreds of supporters who love me and want to help me succeed. Thank you!